Nixon: Watergate
Clinton: Water Bed
Nixon: His biggest fear – the Cold War
Clinton: His biggest fear – a Cold Sore
Nixon: Carpet bombing
Clinton: Carpet burning
Nixon: His Vice President was a Greek
Clinton: His Vice President is a geek
Nixon: Couldn’t stop Kissinger
Clinton: Couldn’t stop kissing her
Nixon: Couldn’t explain the 18-minute gap in the Watergate tape
Clinton: Couldn’t explain the 36-DD bra in his brief case
Nixon: His nickname Tricky Dick
Clinton: No difference
Nixon: Ex-President
Clinton: Sex-President
Nixon: Known for campaign slogan “Nixon’s The One”
Clinton: Known for women pointing at him and saying “He’s the one”
Nixon: Famous for his widow’s peak
Clinton: Famous for bringing widows to their peak
Nixon: Well acquainted with G. Gordon Liddy
Clinton: Well acquainted with G Spot
Nixon: Took on Ho Chi Minh
Clinton: Took on a Ho
Nixon: Talked about achieving peace with honor
Clinton: Talked of getting a piece while on her