Camping Adventures

Two guys go on a camping trip up into the mountains, and they have a wonderful time. By about the fourth day, however, they’ve run out of things to talk about and are starting to get on each others nerves. So on the fourth
night, as they’re having dinner, one of the guys makes a suggestion to his friend.

“Look, we’ve been having a pretty good time up here,
but let’s face it…after four days together we’ve run out of things to talk about.”

He then suggests to his friend that tomorrow they
should seperate for the day and hike off in opposite
directions. That way, when they returned to camp tomorrow night, they could tell each other of what they’d seen and done that day and it would give them something new to discuss.

So the next morning they both get up early, pack enough supplies to last for the day, and go off in opposite directions.

The first guy travels north, farther into the mountains. After several hours of stumbling through dense trees he discovers a beautiful little clearing. There is a pond with deer drinking at it. There are hawks soaring over head. Butterflys are dancing on the flowers. All in all, it is like heaven on earth! So he has an incredible day, swimming in the pond, eating his lunch under a tree, feeding the animals right out of his hand, and generally experiencing the most peaceful place on earth that he’d ever seen.

Later when he returns to camp, he arrives to see his buddy is already there ahead of him and has supper ready.

As they eat their meal, his friend asks him how his day went. “Fantastic!” he replies. He describes the beautiful spot that he had discovered, the pond that he swam in, the animals that ate from his hand, the hawks that soared overhead, etc.

His friend agrees that it sounded very beautiful indeed.

“So tell me about YOUR day now”, he prompted.

“Well”, began his friend, “I went south for a few miles until I came to some train tracks. So I decided to follow those train tracks for a while and see where they lead me. I must have walked about an hour, when I suddenly saw this woman tied to the tracks! So I ran over, cut the ropes with my camping knife, gently picked her up and carried her to the tall grass beside the tracks, and for the next two hours we had sex in every position that you could imagine! By the end of it, I could hardly stand, let alone walk.”

By this point the first guy is wide-eyed with amazement.

“Wow, that’s incredible! It sounds like you had an even BETTER day than I did. So…did you get a blow job too?” he asked.

“Nahh,” replied his friend. “I couldn’t find her head.”
