There were three ducks swimming and blowing bubbles in a lake. There was a sign that stated NO SWIMMING OR BLOWING BUBBLES IN THE LAKE. A policeman came by and saw the three ducks and arrested them.
When they appeared in court the judge told the first duck to approach the bench and state his name. The first duck said, “My name is Duck.” The judge asked, “What are you in for?” Duck responded, “For swimming and blowing bubbles.” Judge sentenced him to one night in the county jail.
Second duck approached the bench the judge asked him to state his name, second duck said, “Duck Duck.” Judge asked, “What are you in for?” Duck Duck responded, “For swimming and blowing bubbles.” The judge sentenced him to one night in the county jail.
Third duck approached the bench. The Judge said, “Don’t tell me, you must be Duck, Duck, Duck.” The third duck looked at him with a gleam in his eye and replied, “No I’m Bubbles!”