Sticky Caramel Bars

One day, a man walks in a bakery shop and asks:”Do you have a special kind of candy bar which has the bread in the middle and the caramel on the outside?”

Surprised, the owner says he doesn’t.

The next day, the same man walks into the same bakery shop and asks: “Do you have a special kind of candy bar which has the bread in the middle and the caramel on the outside?”

Noticing the man had asked this already, the annoyed owner says he doesn’t. However, this time, he orders 50 candy bars that have the bread in the middle and the caramel on the outside just in case that man asks again.

The third day, the same man walks into the same bakery shop, and asks: “Do you have a special kind of candy bar which has the bread in the middle and the caramel on the outside?”

Just when the owner proudly said he did, the man replies: “Did you notice how sticky they are?”
