stupid men

John and Dan were ridin their horses across a north americian plane and they were sort on cash so they pulled into a Ranch and went up to the owner and asked if they could do some work for some cash.
The farmer said no i dont but i will give you $500 for every Indian you kill but you have to bring thier heads back with you.
So anyway they set off across the plane when they came across an Indian sitting on a stump sharpening his knife.
So John bailed off his horse ran over and hit him over the head with the back of his gun and started sawing his head off.
While John was sawing off his head Dan said to him” stop turn around”.
No said John i have nearlly finished. Just turn around said Dan. “no ” said john im nearlly through.
When he had finished he looked around and there was 150 Indians with bow and arrows powned at them.
Dan said”oh shit”.
And then John said “shit were goin to be rich after were done here.
