“God damn it!”

Once there was a man who went to play golf with his priest.

He was on the third hole and only 3 feet away from the hole. He putted his shot and missed. “God Damn it!” the man yelled. The priest replied that it was a sin to say God’s name in vain. The man saw that his priest was correct and apologized.

Later he was on the 15th hole and only 2 feet away, when he missed the shot and yelled “God damn it!” The priest replied that it was a sin to speak of God in vain. The man realized his mistake and that his father was right and apologized.

Later after that he was on the 18th hole and if he made a 6 inch put he would win the entire game. He of course missed and as before yelled “God damn it, I missed!” The priest was disturbed as times before and angrily shook his head as he was about to speak.

Just as the priest was correcting the man and said, “It is a….” A huge bolt of lightning came down from the skies and struck the priest dead on the spot. Then came a huge rumbling voice that shuck the ground as it said, “God damn it, I missed!”
