Well there was this farmer and his rooster had just passed away, and all of his hens were sad and depressed. They were so depressed that they would not lay any eggs. So the farmer said, “I am going to have to find a new rooster.”
So the farmer set out and bought a new rooster. He put the rooster in the chicken pen and suddenly the rooster mounted a hen then another then another. The farmer was amazed and said, “You’re going to have to slow down or you’ll kill yourself!”
After the rooster had finished with the hens the rooster started to mount all the barnyard animals. He mounted the cows, the goats, sheep, rabbits, pigs, horses, and even the dog.
Well that night the farmer went to bed and the rooster was still mounting animals. The farmer told him to quit or he was going to die.
Well the next morning came and the old farmer saw the rooster laying on the ground with his tongue hanging out motionless on the ground.
The old farmer walked over and said “I told you to quit.”
The rooster then sat up and pointed in the sky saying, “SHHhhh, Buzzards.”