Two Michigan robbers charged into a Detroit music store, waving their guns. “Nobody moves!” one of the robbers ordered. The second robber then moved – and the first shot him in the head.
A Turkish farmer was taken to the hospital with severe stomach pains. The doctor then discovered that he had ingested pesticide. The Doctor however noticed that it was in too small an amount to be suicidal. So he asked the Farmer why he did so. The farmer had a good reason. He had accidentally swallowed a fly. “I wanted to kill it before it reproduced in me.”
A man was out hunting in Arizona when he accidentally shot himself in the leg. Keeping his head about him, he realized that the best way to get help to alert other hunters in the area – so he fired his gun again to attract attention. Unfortunately, he shot himself in the other leg.
A man in the Amazon forest was fishing in the river. His lure snagged on a branch. As he yanked his lure, it came loose and hit a hive of bees. He ran and ran and tried to escape the bees. But the bees still followed him. So he jumped into the river. Where he was promptly eaten by piranhas.