This 92 year old man has been getting along by himself for years in his own house when he starts to become forgetful and begins to experience a few problems. His daughter suggests that maybe it’s time he goes into a home for the elderly. The old man reluctantly agrees, but recognizes that he might actually enjoy being around other people who probably share some of his interests, etc.
So the daughter makes the arrangements, gets her father to the home and he proceeds to get settled in. He takes a walk and pretty soon he finds a very nice sun porch. He sits down and after a few minutes’ starts to lean slowly to the left. An attendant sees this and rushes over with a pillow to prop him up. A few minutes later, the old man starts to lean to his right. The attendant comes rushing over with a pillow and props up his right side. A few minutes later the old guy starts to tip forward. Without a word the attendant comes forward, props him up and puts a strap around him to hold him in place.
About that time the daughter shows up and asks her father how he likes the place so far.
The old man says, “Well actually, I really like it here except for one thing – they won’t let you fart.”