Gold Bar

This guy staggers home drunk one night. His wife is still up so he starts telling her about this great bar he was at. He said, “Wow honey, it was great! Everything was gold! Ya wouldn’t believe it. They had gold plates, gold mugs, gold disco balls, everything was gold! They even had gold urinals!”

His wife said, “Yeah, sure honey. Why don’t you just sleep it off?” So the guy passes out.

The next morning, the wife is curious about whether there was such a bar. She proceeds to ask her hung-over husband about it, but he just mutters something about not remembering a thing and stumbles off to work.

The wife is curious, so she breaks out the yellow pages and looks under bars/restaurants. Lo and behold, there it is, the gold bar. She calls up the place and a man answers the phone, “Gold Bar.”

She proceeds to ask him, “Does your establishment really have gold plates and gold mugs and all that?”

The man says, “Yes we do.”

She then asks, “Okay. Do you have gold urinals?”

The guy on the phone says, “Hold on a sec. Hey Jake! I think I found out who peed in your saxophone last night!”
