An Englishman, a German, a Scotsman and an Irishman are in a London pub, trading stories about how dumb their wives are.
“My wife,” says the Englishman, “is so dumb that she spent $300 on frozen pork chops because they were on sale, and we don’t even have a freezer.”
The German says, “Oh yah? My vife chust bought skis, und ve liff no vhere near a mountain.”
The Scotsman says, “Aye, lad, that’s prrrety dumb, but my wife just bought a car and she canna drive.”
The Irishman starts laughing at his own wife’s stupidity and says, “Ah, me wife is a total idiot. Yesterday she was packing her bag for a trip to America. She threw in a box of condoms and she don’t even have a penis.”