This old guy named Joe invested in Microsoft stock in the early eighties and just died a wealthy man. He had no family, so his business associates were at the reading of his will, where it was learned that the old man wanted to be buried with most of his money.
His banker, pastor, and lawyer were each given envelopes with $500,000 cash with the instructions to deposit the money in the casket at the funeral. Three days later at the service, the envelopes were put in the casket.
The next day, the three met for lunch. The pastor said that was an odd request, to be buried with all of that money. The others agreed.
The lawyer asked the banker, “Did you put all of that money in the casket?”
The banker said, “Of course I did. It was my legal responsibility to do so!”
The banker then asked the pastor, “Did you put all of that money in the casket?”
The minister said that he was going to, but he thought of all the good causes in the community and gave most of the money to them. He said that he hoped the Lord would forgive him, but that it made more sense to let homeless shelters and other agencies use that money wisely rather than simply having it buried.
The pastor then turned to the lawyer and asked if she put the money in the casket.
She said “If that casket is ever opened, rest assured that they will find my personal check for the full $500,000 made out to old Joe.”