The Lady & The Ducks

A fancy lady on vacation took a stroll through the woods. Suddenly a little white duck, all covered with crap, crossed her path.

“Oh, dear,” exclaimed the lady, “Come on, I’ll clean you!” She took a Kleenex from her purse and did a good cleaning.

She walked on a little farther and another duck, with crap all over it, crossed her way. Again she took a Kleenex and cleaned the little bird.

Then she encountered a third duck, with the same problem. And for the third time, she acted like a Florence Nightingale.

She walked on still farther and she heard a voice from the bushes calling, “Hey, lady!”

“Yes?” she responded.

“Do you have a Kleenex?” asked the voice from the bushes.

“No, not anymore,” she answered.

“Too bad, I’ll have to use another duck.”
