Oh, Dear!

There was a woman doing a report on Native Americans. The topic was going to be about the feathers that they wear.

She went to the village and started looking around and decided to start with an Indian with just one feather in his headdress.

“Excuse me sir, but why do you have one feather in your headdress?” asked the reporter. “Me Brave, me screw one squaw,” replied the Indian.

A little discouraged the lady went to an Indian with two feathers in his headdress, then asked him, “Sir, why do you have two feathers in your headdress?”

This Indian, like the one before; responded, “Me Brave, me screw two squaw.” This made the reporter evem more discouraged, so she decided to take it up with the chief.

“Chief, why do you have all those feathers in your headdress?” asked the reporter. “Me Chief, me screw them all,” he responded.

“Oh, hostile!” the reporter exclaimed.

“Hogstyle, dogstyle, catstyle, rabbitstyle, pigstyle,” the Chief said. The reporter, now blushing said “Oh, dear!”

The Chief thought for a second and then replied, “Me no screw them dear, butt too high and run too fast.”
