There was a little boy and a little girl playing in a sandbox. The little boy asks the little girl if she would show him her private. She said no, but the little boy said that if she showed him hers he would show her his.
The little girl agreed lifted up her dress, and the little boy looked and was pleased. Then the little boy pulled down his pants and the little girl looked.
When the little boy went home he asked his dad what his private was called. His dad, not really thinking, told him that it was his car and he could park it in any girl’s garage he wanted.
The girl also asked her mom what her private was called. Her mom, not wanting to tell her little girl the truth, told her that it was her garage and not to let any little boys park their car in it.
The next day the little boy and girl go back to the sandbox, but the little girl came home earlier than she usually did. When she showed up at home she was crying and was all bloody. Her mom, trying to calm her down, asked what had happened.
She replied, “A little boy tried to park his car in my garage but I didn’t want him to.”
Her mom looked at her and asked how she got all bloody.
The little girl said that while he was trying to park his car in her garage, the back wheels popped off!