After undergoing complicated brain surgery, Lena suddenly fell into a coma. The doctors tried very hard to resuscitate her but to no avail. As she lay unconscious in the intensive care unit, her husband Tom was ushered to her bedside.
One of the doctors said in a quiet somber voice, “She fell into a coma during the operation. I’m sorry but we did everything possible to revive her. The prognosis is not good. Unless she regains consciousness soon, we’re ruling out a quick recovery. It doesn’t look good I’m afraid.”
“Oh God,” said Tom in soft trembling voice as he gazed at his wife with pity and sadness and held her hand so tenderly. “I find this hard to accept. Lena’s so young to be this way. She’s only 45 years old, for Chrissakes.”
“37,” came the weak reply from Lena.