A wounded Marine limps into the bar and tells the bartender, “Give me a gin & tonic, a scotch & soda, a rum & coke and a Heineken.”
The bartender looks a bit puzzled but, nonetheless, serves him his order.
The Marine downs all four drinks, pays his tab and leaves.
This goes on for a full week when the Marine enters again and orders up the usual. The bartender finally speaks up and says, “My God, man, I’ve seen people drink before, but never like you. I might think you have a bit of a drining problem, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Not at all,” says the Marine. “You see, my three buddies and I were in a foxhole in the war together and were almost blown to shreds. We all nearly died, yet somehow barely survived. From that time on we vowed that, as long as we are on the face of this earth, each day we would have a drink in memory of each other.”
“That’s quite a bond you guys formed,” states the bartender as he serves up his usual four drinks.
A month later, after having never missed a day of imbibing, the Marine saunters into the bar and says to the bartender, “Better make it a gin & tonic, a scotch & soda, and a Heineken today.”
“Oh no,” says the bartender. “Don’t tell me one of your buddies passed away.”
“No, not at all,” answered the Marine. “I decided to go on the wagon.”