A boy is sitting in class one morning when his teacher says to the class, “Okay kids, I’m going to say a letter of the alphebet, and you have to tell me a word that begins with that letter.”
“A” She says first, looks around at the hands and picks the boy, “Jimmy?”
“Ass!” The boy shouts.
“Jimmy, one more like that and I won’t pick you. Next, B” She looks around and Jimmy is the only one with his hand up. “Jimmy? Keep it clean.”
“Butt!” He yelled trying to get a reaction.
“Jimmy, you blew it, that’s the last time I’ll pick you.”
She moves down the alphabet, Jimmy with his hand up each time, with her not picking him at all. Untill she got to R, Jimmy was the only one with his hand up. So she thought to herself, there’s nothing that starts with R that’s rude. So she picked him. “Jimmy?”
“Rats.” The boy stood up and said, “Rats with big fucking cocks down to their ankles!”