Adam and Eve

Susie and John are sitting in Primary class during church, John is sitting behind Susie and starts to fall a sleep. The teacher asks, “what did the sick man say to Jesus?”

And the teacher calls on susie, who is sleeping, the answer of the question.Then John pokes susie in the back with a pen.and Susie cries out “Oh,holy Christ!”

The teacher asks an other question. “What did Christ say to the lord in his prayr?”

And she calls on Susie again, and John again pokes Susie in the spine with a pen. Susie cries out “Oh, mercifal Lord!”

Then the teacher asks the question, “What did Eve say to Adam after their 22nd child?”

She once again calls on Susie to answer the question, and again John pokes Susie in the spine with a pen. And Susie cries out, “Poke me with that thing one more time……!”
