One day this lady bought her son a radio for 500 dollars. The lady told her son not to take it outside because somebody might take it.
He said, “No one’s going to take it.”
His mom said, “If they do, tell them you’re the bad mother fucker from down the street, and you’ll kick their ass from street to street.”
So he was walking in Chicago and some gang bangers were in the park.
They said: “Hey boy, let me see yo radio.”
The boy said: “No, I’m the bad mother fucker from down the street. I’ll kick yo ass from street to street.”
They said ok whatever. So the little boy walked on until he saw a policeman.
So the police said: “Hey son, let me see your radio.
The boy said: “No I’m the bad mother fucker from down the street I’ll kick your ass from street to street.
The police said, “Well I’m going to lock you up in jail for being smart.”
So when he went to court the judge asked the same question and the little boy said the same thing, and the judge said: “OK I’M GOING TO SEND YOU TO THE CHAIR.”
So the little boy died and went to heaven and God said: “MAY I SEE YOUR RADIO SON?”
The little boy said: “I’m the bad mother fucker from down the street. I’ll kick yo ass from street to street.” So God sent him to Hell.
Then the devil asked the same question and the little boy said: “No, I’m the bad mother fucker from down the street. I’ll kick your ass from street to street.”
And the devil said: “I’m the bad mother fucker from underground. I’ll turn yo ass to crispy brown.”