A woman was making a stew and her husband walked and set his bee-bee gun down and put the package of pellets above the stove. As the woman was cooking, the package fell over and landed in the stew. She fishes the package out, and thought to herself, “It’ll be to much trouble to take the bee-bees out. I’ll just leave them in and no one will notice.” So she fed it to her family with no complaints.

The next morning, one of her sons came to her and said, “Mommy, mommy, mommy. There are bee-bees in my pooh.” The mother thought and said, “It’s ok, it’ll go away in a few days.” So the child went back out to play.

The next son came up to her a little later and said, “Mommy, mommy, mommy! There are bee-bees in my pooh.” The mother thought and said, “don’t worry, it’ll go away in a few days.” So the child went back to playing with his friends.

A little after that, her third son came to her and said, “Mommy, mommy, mommy!” She said, “I know. There are bee-bees in your pooh.” Her son says to her, “No no no! I farted and I killed a cat!”
