This is a bit of a tongue twister…
A bear walks into a bar in Boise Idaho. “Bartender, give me a beer!”
To which the bartender replies, “I don’t serve beer to bears in bars in Boise Idaho”.
The bear repeats himself, “Bartender, give me a beer!!!”
“I’m sorry,” repeats the bartender, “but I don’t serve beer to bears in bars in Boise Idaho”.
The bear is becoming upset by this time. “Look,” he says “if you don’t serve me a beer I’m going down to the end of the bar and I am going to eat that woman who is sitting there. Now give me a beer!!!”
The bartender replies, “I don’t serve beers to bears in bars in Boise Idaho.”
The bear proceeds to walk down to the end of the bar and he eats a woman who is sitting there. He comes back to the bartender and asks again for a beer.
The bartender replies, “I don’t serve drugs to bears in bars in Boise Idaho!!!”
“Drugs??” says the bear. “I didn’t want drugs, I just asked for a beer. What are you talking about???”
The bartender answers, “That was the the “bar-bitch-u-ate.”