Betty P

There once was this little boy named Freddy Fucker Faster who had this enormous crush on this little girl named Betty P.

One day, Freddy and Betty went to the barn loft and started “getting their groove on.”

At suppertime, Freddy’s mom yells for him.

She stands on the porch steps and yells, “Freddy Fucker Faster, Freddy Fucker Faster.”

Freddy hears his mom and in return says, “I can’t, I’m fuckin’ fast enough.”

Then, Betty P’s mom yells for her to come home.

She stands on the porch and yells, “Betty P, Betty P.”

In return, Betty P replies, “I can’t mom. My hole’s stopped up.”



One comment

  1. Freddy Fucker Faster?– its johnny fuckerfaster you idiots

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