There were these three guys on a plane going from Florida to New York. The first, wearing a suit and tie, and reading the NEW YORK TIMES, commented, “Last night I made love to my wife three times. This morning she made me fresh ground coffee, brought the paper to me in bed, and she said I was the best lover in the world.”
“That ain’t nothing!” said the guy reading USA TODAY, dressed in chinos and a casual shirt. “I made love to my wife FOUR times last night, and this morning she made me bacon, eggs, grits and coffee and said there wasn’t another stud like me on the planet!”
They both looked at the third guy reading THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER and wearing jeans and a T-shirt. “How many times did YOU make love to your wife last night?” they asked.
“Once,” came the reply.
“Ha ha . . . and what did she say to you this morning?”
“Don’t stop!!!”