A gang of bikers walk into a bar and orders a few drinks each. After 10 minutes or so, one of them notices a small man, in his 30’s, slightly overweight and balding. He whispers to the others, and they all start to walk slowly over to the table at which he is sitting. Finding him vulnerable and defenseless, they begin to tease him. Some poke him with their forks, others drop their cigarettes into his coffee, all the while laughing at him. The small man says nothing. He simply gets up and walks out the door of the bar.
One member of the gang watches all of this with amusement, and says to one of the girls behind the counter, “He wasn’t much of a guy, was he?”
She paused for a moment, while looking out the window of the bar. Finally, she responded, “Nah, not much of a driver either. He just backed over 8 motorbikes with his semi-trailer.”