Bill Clinton’s Prayer

Bill Clinton was in the oval office, breathing a sigh of relief after being found not guilty in the Monica Lewinsky trial, when he found out he now may be found guilty in Contempt of Court in the Paula Jones case.

“Oh, God!” Bill cried, “Please have mercy on me!”

Immediately there was a bright light in the room and a voice boomed from the light.

“Bill, this is God,” the voice said, “and I will grant you any three wishes you have!”

“Well,” Bill said, as he pondered his new-found luck, “if all of the women in my life would drop charges and just forgive me, that would be nice.”

“Considered it done,” God said.

“And,” Bill went on to say, “if the Democrats were to win every seat in the House and the Senate in the next election, that would be nice too!”

“Okay. Wish granted,” God replied.

Then, thinking of what his last wish could be, Bill paused and said, “Finally, I wish for peace in the Middle East, especially in Iraq!”

“These people,” God answered hesitantly, “these decendants of both Issac and Ishmael, sons of Abraham, have been fighting for thousands of years. I don’t know if there is anything I can do. Don’t you have a wish that is a little closer to home?”

“Well, there is one thing,” Bill said as he looked at a picture of Chelsea that was on his desk. “My daughter will be going to a college dance soon where she goes to school, could you make her more attractive so that the best guys on campus will ask her out?”

After a few seconds of silence, God answered, “You know, Bill, on second thought, do you have a map of the Middle East there with you?”
