bird dog

A man goes to a pet store looking for a hunting dog. The owner tells him about a very special dog that he has out back. So they go out back and see a nice looking bird-dog. The man is impressed with the dog, but says, “What’s so special about this dog?”

The owner answers, “This dog will not only flush out the birds, it will count how many and tell you first.”

The man can’t believe it, so he asks for a demonstration. The dog goes over to a small bush, looks inside, then nods twice. Sure enough, two birds fly out. Then he goes to another bush, nods three times, and flushes out three birds.

The man is very impressed. He points to a big bush and tells the owner to have the dog check that one. So the dog goes over, shakes his head, and runs back and starts humping the man’s leg. The man yells, “Help, your dog has gone crazy!!”

The owner replies, “No, he is just telling you that there are too many fucking birds to count.”
