The other day I was on my way home from work when the most remarkable thing happened! Traffic was heavy as usual, and as I sat there at a red light, out of nowhere, a bird slammed into my windshield. If that wasn’t bad enough, the poor creature got its wing stuck under my windshield wiper.
Just then the light turned green, and there I was with a deceased bird stuck on my windshield. Without any other apparent options, turning on the windshield wipers seemed the only thing I could do. It actually worked.
On the upswing, the bird flew off, and here is the crazy part of this story…it slammed right onto the windshield of the car behind me. No, it didn’t get caught under the windshield of THAT vehicle, but the car behind me was a police car.
Of course, knowing my luck, immediately his lights went on, and I was forced to pull over. The officer walked up and told me he saw what had happened at the light. Trying to plead my case fell on deaf ears. He simply stated: “I am going to have to write you up for flipping me the bird.”