One day in the old west the U.S states government wanted to move all the Indians to a reservation.
The Head of State went to the the tribe and told the Indians that they had to move. The chief’s name was Bowels, and when he heard the Head of State tell the Indians that they were to move to the reservation, he replied, “Bowels no move”.
Well the Head of State heard this and thought that was just awful so he told the chief that he would send him to a doctor to straighten this out. The Chief figures that a “doctor” is the person to complain to so his people wouldn’t have to move to the reservation.
The next day the Chief goes into the doctor’s office and says, “Bowels no move.” Well, the doctor says, “That is terrible. I want you to take this pill three times a day and it will help.” The Chief figures if he takes the pill then his people can stay.
The next day the Chief comes back to the doctor’s office and once agian says, “Bowels no move.” The doctor says, “Take the pill 6 times a day.” The chief figures what the hell if it allows his people to stay on the reservation.
Well he comes back the next day and once again says, “Bowels no move.” The doctor says that he should now take the pill every hour so once again the chief does what the doctor says hoping it will help his people.
He comes back the next day walks into the doctor’s office and says “Bowels move now, teepee full of shit.”