Tarzan and Jane were lying in bed early one Sunday morning. Gently, Tarzan rolled over towards Jane and started to give her a playful shoulder massage. “Oh Tarzan”, she said… “Not now dear. I’m still sleepy, and besides, I’m hungry Why don’t you go out and find us something for breakfast.”
Tarzan grudgingly slipped on his loin cloth, stretched his muscular torso, and grabbed the first vine, heading off into the jungle. The sun was shining and all the animals of his kingdom were up and about. Tarzan stopped to talk to the zebras, play with the elephants, and take a swim in the river. He was enjoying the clear jungle morning, and the animals were enjoying his company.
Before long , Tarzan realized he had lost track of time. Jane would be waiting for breakfast, and probably upset that he was not back. He grabbed a vine and started swinging towards his tree top home, looking for something suitable for a breakfast meal. He saw too golden birds fluttering above him, and with a Tarzan-like move he swung around, switched vines, and swooped down on the two golden birds, breaking their necks cleanly and slipping them into his loin cloth. Continuing on his journey home he saw a small chimpanzee loitering on a tree limb. Quickly and silently he grabbed the ape, killed him with a single blow, and slung him over his shoulder (sorry, Cheetah!)
Arriving home, Jane was up, in the kitchen, setting the table. Tarzan proudly slung the chimpanzee onto the kitchen table, and removed the two golden birds from his loin cloth. Taking out his knife, Jane turned, looked at Tarzan and the feast on the table and said….”Oh Tarzan, not Finch and Chimps again”