Broken toilet

A lady is sitting in a roadhouse bar drinking; when she asks the bartender where the bathroom is located. The bartender tells her that the toilets broken, but she can go out back and squat next to the dumpster if she wants. The lady has been drinking pretty heavily so she staggers out back. She pulls her panties down and relieves herself, but she is so drunk she passes out .

A trucker who has been on the road for a month comes into the bar and sits down. He asks the bartender for a beer and says, “I’m gonna drink this one beer and then go home to my wife. It has been a whole month since I’ve had any”. The trucker finishes his beer but before he leaves he asks the bartender where the bathroom is located. The bartender again explains the situation and the trucker decides to go out back.

After answering “nature’s call” he notices the woman passed out on the ground; panties around her angles & legs in the air. He figures what the hell, it’s been a month and procedes to have his way with her. The trucker walks back into the bar, sits down, and orders another beer. The bartender asks, “I thought you were going to drink one beer and go home to your wife.

“Hell, I figured I’d hang out her. You guys throw away better “booty” than I got at home.”
