bum ass

This gay guy was coming home from the bar one night and couldn’t score. As he was walking home, he saw a drunk bum passed out on a bench. He thought, “Hmm, better than nothing.” So he did his business and left the guy a $5.00 bill. The next morning when the bum woke up he found the $5.00 bill and went to the liquor store and said, “Give me a $5.00 bottle.”

The next night the guy and a friend walked by the bum. The guy told his friend what happened and both of them got some. They both left a $5.00 bill. Again the bum found the money and went to the liquor store. This time he said give me two $5.00 dollar bottles. The next night the guy and ten of his friends came by. They all did their business and each left a $5.00 bill.

Once again the bum found the money and went to the liquor store. The guy at the counter said, “Ten $5.00 dollar bottles?” The bum said, “No, just one $50.00 dollar bottle. The $5.00 liquor is making my ass hurt.”
