By the Numbers

A tourist was passing through a small town one day. He went into a tavern to get a beer and he saw all the locals sitting around shouting out numbers and laughing.

He asked a man at the table next to him what was going on. The guy answered “We’ve been telling the same jokes over and over for years now, so for convenience we’ve numbered all our jokes. We simply yell out the number instead of telling the entire joke. It’s much easier that way.” It was now the man’s turn. “NUMBER 8!”

The crowd of people burst out in laughter as #8 was one of the more popular jokes here.

The tourist thought this looked like fun, so he decided he would try it. He shouted “NUMBER 9!”.

Silence. Nobody laughed. The tourist didn’t understand. “Why isn’t anybody laughing?” he whispered to the man next to him. “Is there not a joke #9?”

“Actually, #9 is very funny,” replied the man. “Unfortunately, some people just can’t tell a joke.”
