This man and his son where driving down the road the man pulls out a beer and begins taking a drink, his son asks, “dad, can i have a drink?” his dad replies, “son, can your dick touch your ass?” His son jumps in the back seat then comes back up front, “no, dad it can’t.”
“sorry, son you can’t have any!” the boys father then pulls out a ciggarette, “Dad, can I have a drink?” the boy asks. “Can your dick touch your ass?” The boy says back,”No, it can’t.” “Sorry son you can’t have any!”
They then stop at the store and the boy gets a lottery ticket and scratches it off and wins a million dollars. The boys father asks, “Can I have half the money?” The boy looks at his father and asks, “Can your dick touch your ass?” His father answers, “It sure can!” The boy looks at his dad and says “Good! Go Fuck yourself!”