blondes’ revenge jokes
Why do brunettes keep their hair color dark? It matches…
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Blonde Jokes
Why do brunettes keep their hair color dark? It matches…
During a staff meeting on the last working day of…
Two blondes walk into a bar. They sit down order…
One day I asked my blonde friend a math question.…
Q: Why did God give blondes one more brain cell…
Q. Why don’t blondes say anything while they are getting…
The 12 Days Of A Cajun Christmas Day 1: Dear…
There once was this little boy named Freddy Fucker Faster…
Q. why did the blonde have square breasts? Because she…
What did the blonde say when she walked into the…
How does a blonde kill a cop ? Shhe throws…
There were three blondes walking along the beach. While they…