blonde driver
Q: What goes fruuum-skrrt fruum-skrrt fruum-skrrt? A: A blonde going…
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Blonde Jokes
Q: What goes fruuum-skrrt fruum-skrrt fruum-skrrt? A: A blonde going…
How do French girls hold their ‘liquor’?! By the ears!!
Q: Why can’t you tell blondes Knock Knock Jokes? A:…
“What seems to be the problem, Miss Appleby?” inquired the…
The blond family was the perfect american family –mom, dad,…
There was a man jumping up and down on a…
How many blondes does it take to change a light…
A sailor and his bride arrived at the honeymoon suite…
Two women, one a blonde and the other a brunette,…
Q. What is a blonde when she stands on her…
Q. What do a blonde and a railroad track have…
One day, a man walked up to Bob and asked…