Young vs. Old
The old gent was backing his Rolls into the last…
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Funny Stories and Jokes
The old gent was backing his Rolls into the last…
There were three deaf old men in a park and…
Thou shalt not jump onto the keyboard when thy human…
Then: Long hair. Now: Longing for hair. Then: Keg Now:…
When three-year-old Jimmy first saw Mom nursing his newborn baby…
Although he always ordered just ham and eggs everyday, one…
10. If the date goes bad, changing your Screen Name…
Some cute insults are : 1. I know you’re not…
In the everglades of Florida, there is an alligator wrestling…
A bartender is closing for the night when there’s a…
A little boy and a little girl are lying down…
The following statements about the bible were written by children…