Things that make you go hmmm
Stopped at traffic light, the gray beard biker stared wide-eyed…
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Funny Stories and Jokes
Stopped at traffic light, the gray beard biker stared wide-eyed…
One night, a police officer was staking out a particularly…
While down South on a visit, the young Yankee made…
A husband and wife go visit a marriage counselor. First,…
Morris walked into an insurance office and asked for a…
One evening a family brings their frail, elderly mother to…
An old fellow was snoozing away, contentedly, when he was…
Three guys, a Canadian, Osama bin Ladin and Uncle Sam…
An extraordinarily handsome man decided he had the God-given responsibility…
I will be flying tomorrow, so let’s take a look…
This drunk walks into a bar and asks the bartender…
Lorena Bobbitt’s sister was arrested last night for attempting to…