Fur Traders
What do you call lesbian indians? Fur Traders
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Jokes on Politics
What do you call lesbian indians? Fur Traders
Q:What are the plastic surgeons going to do with the…
Q: what do pubic hair and parsley have in common?…
You know you?re about to be impeached when: * When…
I recently had the honour of interviewing the Prime Minister…
An Israeli doctor said, “In Israel, medicine is so advanced,…
I Suck At My Job What Really Goes Down In…
How to be Politically Correct when talking about Men… He…
What does D.C. mean? Disappearing Cigars.
After the successful D-Day invasion of France during World War…
Q: What has four legs and smells like a woman?…
Bill buys a parrot for his family in the White…