Redneck circumcision
Q: How do you give a redneck a circumcision? A:…
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Questions Answers
Q: How do you give a redneck a circumcision? A:…
Q: What’s the difference between a Harley Davidson motorcycle and…
What do you call a lesbian dinosaur? Lick-a-lotta-pus
Why can’t the witch have babies? Because her boyfriend has…
What do you get when you cross a donkey with…
Q: Why dosn’t Smokey the Bear have any children? A:…
What did the priest say when he saw mosquitoes in…
Where does a king keep his armies? In his sleevies.
This old man of eighty years goes to the doctor…
Why didn’t Rover bark? Because he was a fish.
Q: What do you get, when you cross a $20…
Why is it that Santa Clause cheats on Mrs. Clause?…