Wife Wants New Clothes
WIFE: Look at these old clothes I have to wear.…
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Laugh for Fun - Funny, Blonde, Dirty, Women, Yo Mama Jokes
Wedding Jokes
WIFE: Look at these old clothes I have to wear.…
A man was paying his lawyer a visit. The lawyer…
A woman meant to call a record store but dialed…
“I’d like to buy some gloves for my wife,” the…
A newlywed farmer and his wife were visited by her…
The little old man rubs the lamp and the genie…
A minister was planning a short wedding at the close…
Albert goes to a doctor and says: “Doctor, my wife…
A husband, tired of his wife asking him how she…
A couple came upon a wishing well. The husband leaned…
My wife and I have the secret to making a…
I just wish I could’ve gotten a reciept with my…