Once, there was a bass swimming in a river. About 6 inches above the water was a fly. The bass said to himself “If that fly would drop six inches, I could get that fly”.
On the bank of the river stood a bear. The bear thought to himself, “If that fly drops 6 inches, that bass could get the fly, and I could get that bass”.
Behind a tree stood a hunter. The hunter thought to himself, “If that fly drops 6 inches, that bass could get the fly, that bear could get the bass, and I could get that bear.”
Up on a hill stood a mouse. The mouse thought to himself, “If that fly drops 6 inches, that bass could get the fly, that bear could get the bass, that hunter could get the bear, and I could jump in the hunter’s picnic basket.”
On another hill stood a cat. The cat thought to himself, “If that fly drops 6 inches, that bass could get the fly, that bear could get the bass, that hunter could get the bear, that mouse will jump in the hunter’s picnic basket, and I could get that mouse.”
Well, everything happened at once. The fly dropped six inches, the bass got the fly, the bear got the bass, the hunter got the bear, the mouse jumped in the picnic basket, and the cat jumped in after the mouse. The cat hit the picnic basket and then rolled down the hill and fell into the water.
What is the moral of the story?
Whenever a fly drops six inches, pussy gets wet!