One night, a couple goes to a chinese resturant to celebrate their anniversary. They are happily chatting away when the waiter comes up and asks them what they would like to order.
“I don’t know what I want”, says the woman. “What are your specials?”
“Well, tonight we have a spactacular special. It is called “Cream of Sumyung Gi. It’s ingredients are a family secret, but all the customers who have had it rave about the taste.”
The woamn orders the special, and the man decides to have some also.
When the bowls finally arrive, the couple is starving, so they dive right in.
Immediately, a disgusted look crosses their faces and they spit out the soup.
“Oh my God! This is AWFUL! What is this crap?” they both scream.
“It is the Cream Of Sumyung Gi.” the waiter says. “I must apologize, though, for it’s poor flavor.
Joe, who normally provides us with the special ingredient, was sick today, so his father had to come in for him. I should have said that today the special was “Cream of Some Young Guy’s Father. I’m so sorry.”