Claim Ticket

One day, George was cleaning out the attic and in one box, he found a claim ticket for a pair of shoes at the local shoe repair shop. What caught his attention was the date on the claim ticket which read June 30, 1989 – nearly ten years ago. Amused by his discovery, George went downstairs and showed the claim ticket to his wife Martha. Scrutinizing the piece of paper, Martha remarked, “Hmmm, I can’t recall if I had any pair of shoes for repair at that shop ten years ago. But I doubt if that pair is still there after all these years.”

George said, “Well I’m going over there right now to see if those shoes are still there.”

Martha said, “Suit yourself. But I think it would be just one wild goose chase.”

So George hopped into his car and drove to the local shoe repair shop. When he entered the shop, he approached an old man behind the claim counter. Without a word, George handed the claim ticket over to the old man who took one look at it. Without any change in his expression, the old man said, “Please have a seat while I go inside to check.” So George took a seat and watched as the old man entered the room behind the counter.

Ten minutes later, the old man re-appeared from the room and announced, “I found your shoes.”

Pleasantly surprised, George said, “Hey that’s great!” But upon seeing the old man was empty-handed, George asked, “Well? Where are they?”

With the same stolid expression, the old man said, “The shoes will be ready next Monday.”
