Clinton Joke No. 15646

President Clinton was at the beach and got into trouble while swimming. He called for help, and three young men went to his rescue and pulled him ashore.

Clinton wanted to show his gratitude, so he offered to give each of the young men what they would like, within reason.

The first young man said that he would like to have a Harley Davidson motorcycle. Clinton told him he could select it and to just send him the bill.

The second young man said he would like an All-Terrain ports vehicle. Again, Clinton told him he would have it.

The third young man declared that he would like a state-of-the-art wheelchair. Clinton was puzzled and asked him why an obviously healthy and athletic young man such as he was would want a wheelchair.

The young man replied that when his dad found out he had helped rescue him, he would break every bone in his body.
