clinton stops traffic

A man in D.C. was driving home and got stuck in traffic. He said to himself, “This traffic is worse than normal, we just aren’t moving at all.”

He sees a traffic cop walking down between the cars talking to the drivers, so he rolls down his window and asks what’s going on.

The officer tells him, “Clinton’s lawyers have just agreed to make an out of court settlement to Paula Jones, without Clinton’s knowledge. Clinton’s just heard about it, he’s hopping mad and he is laying down in the middle of the road threatening to dowse himself with gasoline and light himself on fire, because he doesn’t have the $1.0 million dollars for Paula Jones. I’m walking around taking up a collection for him.”

The man says, “Oh, really, how much have you got so far?”

“So far,” says the cop, “about 10 gallons.”
