Concerned Father

A father was concerned about how his 7 year old son was becoming an habitual liar. He went to see a child psychiatrist and told him about the problem. After hearing all the father had to say, the doctor said,”Go home and tell your son the biggest lie that you can come up with. When he realizes how much of a lie you have just told him, it will break him of the habit.”

So the man went home and found his son playing outside and said to him,”Bobby, do you know what I just saw in the park on my way home? A green dog with yellow polka dots came out from behind a tree and started barking at me. Just as I was starting to back away, a red alligator came up behind the dog and swallowed it with just one gulp! And then a big,black gorilla grabbed the alligator by the tail and started swinging it over it’s head until it let go and sent the ‘gator flying out over the trees! And then a huge,pink dragon flew down and,in one breath, sent a thirty foot flame from it’s mouth at the gorilla,burning the animal to ashes! Then it flew away back into the sky and out of sight. Now, do you believe that?”

And the boy answered,”Yes, that was my dog.”
