Corky Pig

Three hillbillies decided to buy a pig to enter in the county fair. After they had the pig for about a year the thing didn’t gain any weight. So the hillbillies decided to put a cork in the pig’s ass.

After about 6 months the pig was ready for the fair, gaining a good 150-200 lbs. They went to the fair and won First Place. The hillbillies went home and one of them said, “We gotta take out the cork now that the fair is over.” None of them wanted to be the one to remove the cork, so they all decided to buy a monkey and train it how to remove corks from wine bottles. After 3 months of training the monkey was ready.

The 3 hillbillies then took the monkey out to the pig pen and showed him the cork. The monkey pulled out the cork and the pig exploded. The 3 hillbillies went to the hospital and the monkey died.

The doctor asked the hillbillies one by one what happened. The first one said, “All I saw was sh*t flyin everywhere!”
The second said, “All I saw was sh*t flyin everywhere”
The third said, “All I saw was the monkey tryin to put the cork back in!”
