Country doctor

A troupe of traveling actors had taken the long bus ride from Pittsburgh to Detroit where they were scheduled to perform Hamlet that night. Derek Drake, the handsome leading man, must have been sitting in a draft because when they arrived in Detroit just six hours before the Sunday night performance, he had a scratchy throat and laryngitis.

Tracy Towers, the troupe’s leading lady, frantically began phoning doctors listed in the yellow pages, but all she got were answering machines. She told the stage manager that unless Derek saw a doctor there would be no performance that night.

Fortunately, the stage manager knew a country doctor only about a 45 minute drive from Detroit who would see patients whenever he was needed, so they put Derek in a taxi and sent him off.

When he arrived at the old doctor’s farmhouse, Derek was greeted at the door by the doctor’s wife, quite a good looking woman.

“Hello”, whispered Derek. “Is the doctor at home?”

“No”, his wife whispered conspiratorially, “he’s gone fishing. Come on in.”
