A cowboy rides into town, hitches up his horse and walks into a bar. He goes up, gets a beer, drinks it, and walks out.
Half a second passes and he bursts back into the bar and says, “All right which one of you mule patoots painted my horse’s face yellow?”
A huge man-mountain stands up, looks down at the cowboy and says “I did”.
The cowboy looks up at him and whispers, “The first coat’s dry.”
The same cowboy rides into another town, goes into a bar, has a beer, walks outside and finds his horse has been stolen.
He walks into the bar, and fires his gun through the ceiling.
“Which one of you coyote scatts stole my hoss?” he yells. No one answers. “All right, I’m gonna have another beer, and if my hoss ain’t outside by the time I finish, I’m gonna do what I dun in Texas”.
He gets another beer, walks outside, and his horse has been returned. Just as he settles into the saddle, the bartender flies out the front door asks, “Say, cowboy, what happened in Texas?”
Turning his horse into the street, the cowboy says, “I walked home.”